Prayer Ministry

Our church yearns to be, strives to be, a House of Prayer. We come together joyful and obedient to God's call to pray:

"Even those I will bring to My holy mountain
And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar;
For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.”  -ISAIAH 56:7

God has blessed our church fellowship with an increasing love and hunger for prayer. In all things we pray. We pray to praise God. We pray to seek His will. We pray to bring all our cares to Him and to intercede for others. We pray for our lives to be transformed through an abiding, loving relationship with Jesus. We pray for our church to glorify God and to please Him. We are so thankful we can come before the Throne of Grace!

O Christian, won't you come pray with us? Come deepen your relationship with Jesus by deepening your prayer life. We pray in unison as a body and we pray in unison individually. Come pray.

Join a group prayer ministry:

  • Gather with others in the sanctuary, Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 AM, to pray. 
  • Pray with "Moms in Prayer" on Thursdays with Lori Tezak.
  • Support our brothers and sisters when they go on mission by composing an email prayer.
  • Go with one or two others to pray with someone who is in the hospital or is ill at home.

For your personal prayer ministry:

  • The sanctuary is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30-11:30 AM for personal prayer time.
  • Sign up, with the office, to be notified of prayer requests so you can intercede for others in your private prayers. 
  • Receive an email each Saturday with the Pastor's requested prayer focus so you can pray for his Sunday message.
Again, we ask -- O Christian, won't you pray with us? 
To join our prayer ministry, please contact the church office @ (808) 868-2400